Thursday, May 8, 2008

A triumphant return to nonsense

I have been writing everyday but I haven't been able to sit down at the computer and do anything with it; I have been so distracted. I know I'm distracted when I neglect Hershey. Yesterday she tried to get me to go over to her bowls for hours; I knew she had water so I kept telling her that it wasn't time to eat yet. I made her go out twice and finally discovered her in the bathroom trying to get into the toilet. As I said, I saw that she had water, so I went to the bowls with her to see what was wrong. She has a new self-filling bowl with a gallon tank on it and it was full, but I had to coax her to drink from it. As I turned to walk away she jumped back from her bowl shaking. I got her to drink again but she was very timid about it. This time I saw the bubbles go up as the bowl filled itself, and she sprang back again. I sat with her and petted her as she drank nearly half a gallon...she had been so thirsty and too afraid to get water, it was a sad moment for petownerhood.

Other than that things are going along in a state of suspended animation. I ate too much last night, but I ran too much this morning so it worked out. You wouldn't think that two acts of excess would balance each other out, and I suppose that ultimately they aren't. It's probably all just building up and one day I'll burst into flames or simply explode. The people who knew me will say "I don't get it, he was so calm."...okay, no one will ever say that about me. Hey, at least I wear my anxious demeanor on my sleeve; it's not like you think you're getting yoga and you get was a mosh pit the whole time.

The stars have been beautiful on my morning runs, partly because there has been no moon and you can see them all, and partly just because they are there every morning. I have noticed since I've been here that they are in pretty much the same spot in the sky everyday. I have also noticed that groups of them form recognizable shapes. This morning I saw a wireless mouse, a sailboat, a piece of gum and a partridge in a pear tree. I don't know why the partridge thing makes me smile, it's not like I don't know it's dumb. Sometimes simple things that make me smile are not explainable, things like:
- Poop
- Making fun of those less fortunate than I
- Envisioning the secure future of oil execs and the warm feeling it brings
- Catchy business slogans like "The world is flat." (also poop)
- President Bush being dropped on his head as a 4 year old, a six year old, at 10,12 and fourteen years old.

Yeah..welcome back me!

1 comment:

Echo said...

Definitely welcome back you! I count on your thoughts to make me smile and gain new perspective. There are days I can't seem to do those things on my own :) I'm pretty sure we have stars in Oregon too...maybe...hopefully...