Friday, March 13, 2009

Misspent Youth

My first spring-break from college is here, and I'm off to Florida for the weekend. I found an old-folks resort, so I won't be troubled by all those young whipper-snappers and their jello-shots and body-shots and whatever other shots that a good spring-break includes, when you are actually young enough to be on spring-break. I hope to get a few good shots of Sandhill Cranes, of snowy white dunes and porpoises in the the school classifies me, I am definitely not a traditional student.

I always intend to write here more often, but I rarely have the time. I was writing a silly poem about acting like your dead and actually dying from it, when I realized that I have so much yet to achieve, regardless of how old I may be. So I have embarked on my voyage to self-discovery, and, as boring as that may be to everyone else, it's a story that tells itself. It begins with a boy who is too ignorant about life to realize what he is missing (me), and then he becomes so involved with living that he misses out on growing (also me), and then he gets it, trains hard and goes to the Olympics where he publicly humiliates Adolf Hitler (Jessie Owens), and then he goes to school and learns things about life that he never knew, and he stops writing poems about playing dead (me). The end.

I actually like poems like that, and will continue to write them secretly, but will never share them as they detract from the lessons that I am learning on my journey to self discovery. I'm like Marco Polo, searching for the route to china or India, somewhere with lots of spices and different cultural rituals than I have ever experienced.Maybe I will bring back pasta, or an aquatic game that will captivate children throughout the rest of time...the possibilities are endless.

So, it sort of feels like, a few decades later, I may still recover from my misspent youth, and actually achieve a respectable level of personal growth. Time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

After I grow up, I hope I grow old gracefully. Trouble is by the time you grow up, you're "old".