Thursday, July 17, 2008

Selling off America

Let the games begin...

A Belgian company bought Budweiser; at least they have big horses.
The dollar is so weak that it's attractive to buy U.S. companies at ridiculously discounted rates...we're being exploited. Someone should do something about this, we have always been the ones that exploited weaker nations, and I for one do not like the roles being reversed. There must be someone who needs some exploiting besides us...we need a committee to investigate nations that are in worse financial straights than we are so we can try to redirect those greedy Belgians their direction. If we act now maybe we can save some of our other cherished icons like Phillip Morris, Jim Beam, Pizza Hut and Hot Pockets.

And now a word from a guest celebrity:
"Greetin's fellow Americans, I wanted to take this opportunity to say what a privilege it is to sell parts of our country to nations we once rescued from German occupationalizing. For those of you not familiar-like with sarcasm, that was a healthy dose of it. We need to progressify in the reformation of our world power status so we can once again, develop weaker nations. I believe that the answers to all our problems lie under several thousand feet of water off the Louisiana coast. Remember the "Pelican Brief?" It's like that but with no ecological to oil, the ecology is my number, I think one is's my number one concern, next to oil, so it's kinda like two but not."

Thank you oh honored scholar. So, you can see that it is clear that we must all unite, reunite really, and raise the status of America to Super Power once removed, then reinstated.

In case things go poorly, I lived in Germany and was married in Denmark; Belgium is like a second home to me really. I am always up for learning a new language as well. Guten abent.

1 comment:

Echo said...

Once again, awesome satire--very funny!