Saturday, May 31, 2008

Mascline subtleties

So, I was baking cookies and took a break to let the animals out back. Oreos went down the deck stairs and to the edge of the landing where she likes to eat grass. I sat down next to her and talked to her.
"Why are you eating grass," I asked; "baby eats grass." I continued our conversation.
I thought of the office picnic I'm going to tomorrow and tried to imagine saying "baby eats grass" in front of "the guys."
I hopped up and grabbed a stick and some rocks and started hitting stuff and throwing some rocks.
"Hell yeah," I said as I hit a small sweet gum across the creek...
"Sorry buddy," I thought, "you're a beautiful little tree and...hey there's a woodpecker."
"Wood pecker eats larva," I thought.
I laughed and then hit some more stuff. My heart wasn't in it so I looked at the woodpecker some more; they are much smaller here than other areas I've lived.
"Doh," I ran in to check on the cookies.
On the way by I grabbed Oreos, who was tormenting a bug.
"Baby eats bugs," I told her.

...Oh well, some guys are just gruff and rough cut, guys like John Wayne and Ernest Borgnine; it's just not me.

"Oh my but those cookies smell delicious," I thought...Se la vie, it is what it is, auf passen der treppe.

The last one my German neighbor used to say when the stairs were icy. I think it means be careful on the stairs or something.

1 comment:

Echo said...

This is why you're so loved....