Sunday, February 24, 2008

The fate of America

I don't usually bring up the racially prejudiced things that I routinely hear from the unenlightned people I while away my time with here in Atlanta. I don't see the point in keeping the negativity going, so I tune it out and remind myself that the carpool is helping to save the earth. I only mention the prejudice now so you know where this train of thought originated...

Cut to a quiet hillside overlooking the Atlantic ocean, and a small bay filled with boats carrying weary, pale-faced travelers to the shore. Two native Americans carry on a casual conversation as they eat and watch the spectacle...

"Dude, how's the corn on the cob?"
"It's pretty sweet."
"Man, look at all those damned Europeans!"
"Yeah, pretty wild clothes they wear."
"Forget their clothes man! This is the beginning of the end for us!"
"Relax dude, you're two tense. We've got this brotherhood of man thing going on, it'll be alright."
"Nooooooooo!," One of them shouted as he sprinted off through the woods, "by the time you get it it will be too late!"
"What a whackjob," The other one mumbled as he looked out over the boats filled with peaceful pale faces.

Meanwhile, aboard the "HMS Killemall", another conversation, amongst the deceptively benign looking Europeans takes place...

"Look at this land, ripe for the takingeth."
"Yessith, and only these unenlightened natives to swindle it away from."
"All in favor of destroying their culture?"

"Those opposed?"
"Where'd the Japanese guy come from?"
"I don't know, but we'll have to keep an eye on him."

"The ayes have it, lets go announce ourselveseth. Anyone know how Sir Thomas is doing developing those grenades we spoke of? No? Well, keep me apprised of the situation, they would certainly improve our bargaining power."
With an appreciative smile they each thought some version of, "Look at this land, ripe for the taking."


Echo said...

I've missed your amazing, unique humor this week--really glad you're back!

Anonymous said...

I loved your interpretation of the King's English. Funny stuff!