Sunday, February 3, 2008

Why dosent spell check worke?

Why do so many people hate the Patriots. If you think about it, they mirror the American image, so why are there so many haters? America has been a dominant country for quite some time; the patriots are a dynasty. The U.S. spies on it's enemies; the Patriots did the same.

But the hatred of the Patriots started long before "spygate." I must say that names like spygate really annoy me. Nowadays, to attach a really negative stigma to anything, you need only add "gate" after it when you say it. Let's give it a try:

Clintongate(I like it)
Segwaygate(remember when the battery died and it fell over).

"Gate's" uses are limited, and it seems to work better with one or two syllable words; it's a learning process. I'm surprised they didn't call the microsoft trial a few years ago, "Billsgate."

Back to the Patriots, we all want to see a winner, 9 out of 10 of us that is, and we all want to believe that they are, somehow, just that much better than the rest of us. Before performance enhancing drugs and WMD's, things were clearer; Jim thorpe was super human, and the bad guys wore black hats. Think about that, you can identify the country that a soldier is from on the battlefield by their helmet. That identification process works for both sides, not just so your buddies don't shoot you. What if Iraq's military put them in US uniforms to increase their life expectancy, we'd have:

There are so many viable options.

In a few short hours we'll have either the greatest football team ever, or the greatest upset ever.
In the meantime, Tiger may still pull through in Dubai, and I will attempt to run rhyme free.

Good day


Echo said...

I think I'm a pessimist--giantsgate just occurred, and I can't help wondering who had money riding on the game... Feel free not to post this--I'm just surmising...

Echo said...

I don't hate the Patriots. Are we talking about the football team or historic Patriots? Either way, I don't hate them--that seems so unpatriotic. I love the "gate" references--I'm so jealous of your sharp mind.